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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Wargamings Weekend

So Nick and I are off to the Campaign Weekend run by the nice folks at Historical Wargames. It will be a weekend of Warhammer Ancient Battles 2.0 (that's WAB to you all) playing 4 games over the two games with both sides using 4000pts each.

It will probably be the biggest game I've ever played of WAB and Nick and I are entering as a combined army with each of us choosing a 2000pt army to fight with.

I'll admit I wasn't really sure about doing this weekend as I had pretty well fallen out of love with WAB after a particularly bad period of bad luck dooming me to game after game of defeat even though I played pretty well (if I say so myself). But the thought of a fun weekend in Nottingham with Nick and the fact these weekends focus more on the fun element rather than competition convinced me to play.

Now I'm looking forward to it.

Of course the first decision was what to play with. The options were pretty wide and in the end I determined to go with an army I'd enjoy playing rather than one which will be all conquering. So having thought about Numidian, I went with a Carthaginian army from the 2nd Punic wars in Africa. I like mobile armies, and so I decided to model it on a raiding/advanced party with lots of cavalry and open order troops. Nick also went for what he likes and so we have an 'unhistorical' match up of Carthaginian and Phyrric!

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